contact us
7010 Miami Avenue
Madeira, OH 45243
Christine Parker
Faith Mauch
{Sewing Instructor} FaithM@artsandcreativities.com
Maddie Tepe
{Sewing Instructor} MaddieTCreativities@gmail.com
Sarah Parker
{Social Media + Marketing} Sarahcreativities@gmail.com
Lori Higginbotham
{Sewing Instructor} LoriH@artsandcreativities.com
Kelsie Parker
{Sewing Instructor} KelsieP@artsandcreativities.com
A Little History...
Creativities Studio is located in the heart of downtown Madeira, nestled in the middle of Madeira’s Historic District. We are directly across from Starbucks and between the train depot and the historic “Hosbrook House”. Our lovely, tawny-colored Victorian house was built in the late 1800s, and was a farm for many years until it was donated to the City of Madeira in 1990 by Cleo Hosbrook (a descendant of two important founding families of Madeira). Creativities opened its doors in December of 2009.
(For more on the History of Madeira, visit the Madeira Historical Society website at www.madeirahs.org)
Privacy notice:
People often pull out their cameras at Creativities and snap a photo of their latest project and all the fun they are having. Your child may end up in the picture. We too take a lot of pictures. We will never provide any identifying information about a child with a photo- no names, ages, hometown, etc… On the rare occasions we might want to include any information, we will not do so unless the adult with them has signed off. However, there is no way we can guarantee that your child will not be photographed while at Creativities, or that the photos will not appear on social media or any other outlet.